5 Tips to Start Your Self-Care Practice

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

We often get wrapped up in the everyday bustle of the world and forget to take care of the most important thing: ourselves. Self-care is a divine responsibility and we owe it to ourselves to take a step back to nourish our mind, body and spirit with the same level of kindness and compassion we show others.

Finding balance is a practice, and like anything worthwhile, it requires commitment and dedication. Below are 5 self-care ideas to start you on the path of honoring yourself.

  1. Cherish all the good you have in your life
    Take 5 minutes and write down three positive things that have happened to you that day and why it makes you feel good. Doing so can improve your mood and can even increase your ability to achieve your goals. 
  2. Put together a feel good routine
    Self-care can have many manifestations so take time to figure out what works for you. Need a few ideas? Start a weekly bath time ritual, unplug for an hour every night or find time every week to create something that allows you to feel mindful and productive.
  3. Clean up your social media
    Unfollow accounts or people that only make you feel negative feelings. This allows you to bring more positive moments into your life that you want to see.
  4. Be kind to yourself
    Accept that compliment you were given, give yourself recognition and above all, learn to forgive yourself.
  5. Enjoy slowness
    Drive your car or walk a little slower, put your phone away and take time to look around and enjoy the moment rather than worrying about the day ahead.
Have you give self-care a try? What are your favorite ways to practice self-care?

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